The Duo of E. Grizzly and Marko Level Return with Another Concept Hip Hop Project

E. Grizzly and Marko Level team up with the A-HA Network to produce their 2nd release called Hello, Hello Are You Still There?  Both have been known to experiment with different genres and this release is no different.  This time they get back to their hip hop roots while still incorporating other genres like trap, bass and EDM.  

"I think it's important to have a constant stream of alternative perspectives," says E. Grizzly.  "I see a lot of depression, low self esteem, unaccountability and  disingenuous content on the internet.  It's so common that we don't even notice it sometimes. 

Online Counter Psyops tries to promote dignity, confidence, gratefulness, honesty and other ideas like that because it seems lacking in social media.  That's the whole concept. Like an underground radio signal from some other dimension in the future promoting ideas of integrity that I don't see on Instagram."  The album was written, composed and produced by E. Grizzly and Marko Level.